Bleach Movie 4 (Dengan Subtitle Indonesia)

Posted by Unknown on April 15, 2012
Assalammu'alaikum ! Bleach Movie 4 (Dengan Subtitle Indonesia). Bleach Movie 4 adalah film ke-empat dari serial bleach. Film ini dirilis pada 4 Desember 2010. Dan pada posting kali ini, kami share bleach movie 4 plus subtitle Indonesia.

Sedikit penjelasan dari serial movie 4 bleach.

Hell Chapter is the 4th Bleach movie. It is scheduled for release on December 4, 2010. The movie will be set in Hell and will feature a fully hollowfied Ichigo. Kubo has stated that he has been involved from the planning and scenario stage. The movie centres around Ichigo and his friends heading into Hell with the assistance of man named Kokutoo to stop the merging of the two realms. But Kokutoo gives Ichigo a warning, he mustn't Hollowfy in Hell, or else he will lose control of his body and never be able to return.

Oke, untuk mengunduh/download menggunakan link di bawah ini.

Bleach Movie 4 (Subtitle Indonesia)

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